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o was looking for some Black OPs 2 offsets etc and stumbled across a thread elsewhere, thought i'd sahre it here, it means nothing to me but some of you might make more sense of it

Here it is guys :smile:

G_ModelIndex = 0x276180
G_EntLink = 0x2AD440
G_EntUnlink = 0x2AD5C0
G_SetOrigin = 0x279698
G_AddEvent = 0x279950
G_GivePlayerWeapon = 0x2A8364
G_InitializeAmmo = 0x1E6838
SetClientViewAngles = 0x1E1D90
Player_Die = 0x1FD510
Scr_PlayerKilled = 0x248F20
ScriptEntCmdGetCommandTimes = 0x267208
ScriptMover_SetupMove = 0x268A38
Trace_GetEntityHitID = 0x306F30
G_GetPlayerViewOrigin = 0x1E60D0
G_LocationalTrace = 0x35C5A8
SV_LinkEntity = 0x359C00
G_TempEntity = 0x279740
G_SetModel = 0x277644
G_Spawn = 0x278C60
G_SpawnTurret = 0x2BA5C8
G_SpawnHelicopter = 0x22C558
SP_Turret = 0x2BAE58
SP_Script_Model = 0x2670E8
R_SetFrameFog = 0x7AA1E0
FPS = 0x3979EC
CheatProtection = 0x3DBF70
ServerDetails = 0xF57FC5
ServerCache = 0xF57FE4
FPS = 0x3979EC
G_LocalizedStringIndex = 0x275D24
G_SoundAliasIndex = 0x4F494C
SV_GameSendServerCommand = 0x34A1DC
Cbuf_AddText = 0x313E88
Key_IsDown = 0x1185BC (Pointer = 0xF0A7CC)
G_GetWeaponIndexForName = 0x2A6BE8
cl_ingame = 0x1CB68E8
Non-Host | Red Box = 0x783E0 (0x38, 0x60, 0x00, 0x01)
Non-Host | Disable Red Box Perk Check = 0x78604 (0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
Non-Host | VSAT = 0x33C60 (0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
Non-Host | No Recoil = 0xF9E54 (0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
LocalPlayerName = 0x26C067F
level_locals_t = 0x1608100
G_MaterialIndex = 0x276020
G_HudElems = 0x15DDB00
HUDIndexSize = 0x88

To Use these add any of these values to G_Client, Example G_Client + 0x34 = Client Velocity, To Get To The Next Client Just Do A Simple Sum Like G_Client + Value + (clientIndex * 0x5808) or you can use this (0x5808 Is G_Client Size)

public UInt32 G_Client(int clientIndex, UInt32 Mod = 0x00)
return (0x1780F28+ (UInt32)Mod) + ((UInt32)clientIndex * 0x5808);

Then you can do G_Client(0, 0x34); - Velocity for client 0

G_Client = 0x1780F28
ClientVelocity = 0x34 //float[3]
ClientFriction = 0xC //float[3]
ClientCurrentWeapon = 0x1B8 //Int32
ClientFreeze = 0x5694 //Int32
ClientViewModel = 0x54F4 //Int32
ClientButtonMonitoring = 0x569C //Int32
ClientPlayerName = 0x5544 //String
ClientOrigin = 0x28 //float[3]
ClientAngles = 0x56BC //float[3]
ClientCurrentViewModel = 0x54F4 //Int32
ClientTeam = 0x5504 //Int32
ClientIsAlive = 0x55D0 //Int32
ClientStance = 0xFC //Int32
ClientGodMode = 0x18 //Int32
ClientPerks = 0x548 //
ClientPrimaryCamo = 0x2D8 //Int32
ClientSecondaryCamo = 0x2BC //Int32
ClientTactical = 0x30C //Int32
ClientLethal = 0x2F0 //Int32
ClientKillstreak1 = 0x42B //Int32
ClientKillstreak2 = 0x4302 //Int32
ClientKillstreak3 = 0x434 //Int32
PrimaryAmmo = 0x43C //Int32
SecondaryAmmo = 0x438 //Int32
LethalAmmo = 0x440 //Int32
TacticalAmmo = 0x444 //Int32
CurrentWeaponInView = 0x1B8 //Int32 (By Sticky)
LocationSelectorMap = 0x4B0 //Int32
LocationSelectorType = 0x4B4 //Int3

To Use these add any of these values to G_Entity, Example G_Entity + 0x134 = Entity/Client Origin, To Get To The Next Entity Just Do A Simple Sum Like G_Entity + Value + (clientIndex * 0x31C) or you can use this (0x31C Is Entity Size)

public static UInt32 G_Entity(int entityIndex, UInt32 Mod = 0x00)
return (0x16B9F20 + (UInt32)Mod) + ((UInt32)entityIndex * 0x31C);

Then you can do G_Entity(0, 0x134); - Origin for entity/client 0

G_Entity = 0x16B9F20
G_EntitySize = 0x31C
EntModelIndex = 0x16C //Int32
EntOrigin = 0x134 //float[3]
EntAngles = 0x140 //float[3]

To Use these add any of these values to client_s, To Get To The Next client Just Do A Simple Sum Like client_s + Value + (clientIndex * 0x4E180) or you can use this (0x4E180 Is Index Size)

client_s = 0x1BB6CC0
client_s Size = 0x4E180

Found By SC58

To Use these add any of these values to centity_s, To Get To The Next client Just Do A Simple Sum Like client_s + Value + (clientIndex * 0x374) or you can use this (0x374 Is Index Size)

centity_s = 0x37910610
centity_s Size = 0x374
centity_s Origin = 0x2C

To Use these add any of these values to level_locals_t, Example G_Entity + 0x798 = Level Time.

public static UInt32 level_locals_t(UInt32 Mod = 0x00)
return (0x1608100 + (UInt32)Mod);

Then you can do level_locals_t(0, 0x798); - level_time

level_locals_t = 0x1608100
ObjectiveIndex = 0x94
LevelTime = 0x798 //Int32
EnablePrecache = 0x40 //Int32
LocationSelectorDefaultSize = 0x2B04 //float

There is loads more to the thread which i will update later on through the week, Please let me know if this stuff is good or not has i have no idea about coding etc so taking a shot in the dark and any help is very much appreciated



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